A combobox has all the features a select does as well as filtering and clearing results.
Version 2.6.1
To install @igloo-ui/combobox
in your project, you will need to run the following command using npm:
npm install @igloo-ui/combobox
If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:
yarn add @igloo-ui/combobox
Then to use the component in your code just import it!
import Combobox from '@igloo-ui/combobox';
const optionList = [
label: 'Text 1',
value: '1',
label: 'Text 2 (disabled)',
value: '2',
disabled: true,
'Text 3. I will put a lot of text here to see how it behaves. Hopefully it looks good!',
value: '3',
color: '#74DCC9',
<Combobox options={optionList} search clear clearTooltipText="Remove Mapping">
Place holder text
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
autoWidth | boolean | Set this to true and the dropdown will take the width of its content, not the width of the select | |
children | ReactNode | - | Default value displayed in the Select |
className | string | - | Add a specific class to the Select |
clear | boolean | - | If true, it clears any selected option |
clearTooltipText | string | - | The tooltip text for the clear button |
closeOnSelect | boolean | Whether or not the combobox should close after an item is selected | |
dataTest | string | - | Add a data-test tag for automated tests |
disabled | boolean | Disable the Select so the user cannot click on it | |
error | boolean | - | The Select is in an error state |
footer | ReactNode | - | The footer content of the combobox |
isCompact | boolean | True for a compact appearance | |
isOpen | boolean | True if the option list is displayed | |
listSize | ComboboxListSize | Size of the list | |
loading | boolean | - | Whether or not the list is loading |
multiple | boolean | The Combobox gains checkboxes beside each option to be able to select multiple options | |
noResultsText | string | Specify the text to display when there are no results found | |
onAfterClose | () => void | - | Callback when the dropdown is closed and animations are done |
onChange | (option: OptionType) => void | - | Callback when selected content changes |
onClear | () => void | - | Callback called when selected is cleared |
onClose | () => void | - | Callback when the dropdown is closed |
onInput | (value: string) => void | - | Callback when the user types in the search box |
onOpen | () => void | - | Callback when the dropdown is opened |
onScrollEnd | () => void | - | Callback when the user scrolls to the end of the dropdown |
options | ComboboxOption[] | - | List of available options. |
scrollEndThreshold | number | - | The threshold in pixels from the bottom of the dropdown to trigger the onScrollEnd callback |
search | boolean | - | Whether or not to display a search box when open |
selectedOption | OptionType | OptionType[] | - | The initial selected option or a list of selected options |
showSearchIcon | boolean | Whether or not to display the search icon |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
clear | boolean | If true, it clears any selected option | |
clearTooltipText | string | - | The tooltip text for the clear button |
color | string | - | Add a colored square instead of an image or an icon |
disabled | boolean | - | If the combobox is disabled |
icon | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | - | Add an icon to the left of the option |
isOpen | boolean | True if the option list is displayed | |
isPlaceholder | boolean | - | True if the value is a placeholder |
label | ReactNode | - | Option title. |
onClear | () => void | - | Callback for when the clear button is clicked |
onSearch | (value: string) => void | - | Callback to execute on input of the searchbox |
search | boolean | - | Whether or not to display a search box when open |
searchRef | RefObject<HTMLInputElement> | - | The ref for the search field |
showSearchIcon | boolean | Whether or not to display the search icon | |
src | string | - | Specifies the url for the image to show |
value | string | - | The value of the input |