Igloo branding


The area chart is a line chart with shading below the line. This area chart depicts score over time.


To install @igloo-ui/area-chart in your project, you will need to run the following command using npm:

npm install @igloo-ui/area-chart

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add @igloo-ui/area-chart


Then to use the component in your code just import it!

import AreaChart from '@igloo-ui/area-chart';

const nFormatter = (num) => {
  const lookup = [
    { value: 1, symbol: '' },
    { value: 1e3, symbol: 'k' },
    { value: 1e6, symbol: 'M' },
    { value: 1e9, symbol: 'B' },
    { value: 1e12, symbol: 'T' },
  const digits = 2;
  const rx = /\.0+$|(\.[0-9]*[1-9])0+$/;
  const item = lookup
    .find(function (item) {
      return num >= item.value;
  return item
    ? (num / item.value).toFixed(digits).replace(rx, '$1') + item.symbol
    : '0';

    start: '2022-10-01',
    end: '2022-10-07',
      dateTimeStamp: '2022-10-01',
      score: 48878,
      name: 'sent',
      secondaryName: 'sent',
      dateTimeStamp: '2022-10-02',
      score: 49879,
      name: 'sent',
      secondaryName: 'sent',
      dateTimeStamp: '2022-10-03',
      score: 33587,
      name: 'sent',
      secondaryName: 'sent',
      dateTimeStamp: '2022-10-04',
      score: 45445,
      name: 'sent',
      secondaryName: 'sent',
      dateTimeStamp: '2022-10-05',
      score: 34534,
      secondaryScore: 30000,
      name: 'sent',
      secondaryName: 'sent',
      dateTimeStamp: '2022-10-06',
      score: 34555,
      secondaryScore: 52677,
      name: 'sent',
      secondaryName: 'sent',
      dateTimeStamp: '2022-10-07',
      score: 67897,
      name: 'sent',
      secondaryName: 'sent',



classNamestringAdd a specific class to the area chart component
dataSetDataSet[]The data object that will be used for the area chart
dataTeststringAdd a data-test tag for automated tests
dateRangeDateTimeRangeThe start date and end date for the x axis
isResponsivebooleanWhether or not the chart should resize
localestringUpdate the default locale @deprecated This prop is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version in favor of Igloo's provider
rangeDataRangeThe min and max value of the y-axis (Possible values: number, 'auto', 'dataMin' or 'dataMax')
xAxisTickCountnumberThe maximum elements of the x-axis
scoreFormatter(score: number) => stringThe formatter function for the y-axis
tooltipScoreFormatter(score: number) => stringThe formatter function for the score on the tooltip
unavailableDataMessagestringThe message that is displayed when data is unavailable
loadingbooleanReplaces AreaChart label with a skeleton


dateFormatter(date: number) => string
scoreFormatter(score: number) => string
getDataScoreHue(score: number) => string